روح .. مدونة مصرية ح تصدر قريِّب. اللغة الرئيسية بتاعتها هي "اللمح"يعني اللغة المصري الحديثة.."قول الحق و اتبع الحق، ع شان مافي ش فيه أقوى م الحق، إجبن الحق هو اللي بيجلب للحقاني التوقير"(الفلاح الفصيح.العصر الإهناسي. من عصور مصر (القديمة.

الاثنين، ٢ مارس ٢٠٠٩

The Bird of Paradise

A play in 2 acts
For Children
Bayoumi Kandil

Act one

Mother Swallow :Wake up little swallows !
Shake off your laziness little kids!
Get out of your warm nest.
Dawn has ushered in a new morning.
And sun's rays are washing your faces;
While you are turning from side to side in your cosy bed.
Little Swallow :Who is waking us up?
who is snatching sweet sleep out of our eyes?
A hunter, a vulture or a wicked snake!
Mother Swallow :No, dearest little ones.
I'm just Mum calling you up!
Little Swallow :(to her sisters and brothers) It's just our Mum coming to
our morning flying exercise.
Mother Swallow :This is for your wings to get stronger, And bit by bit you
will be able to fly high in the sky .
Then you will have a bird's look at all the pretty things of
the universe .
Little swallow :Oh Mum teach us!
We are all ears.
Mother Swallow :Just flutter your wings like this.
Like this ...like this... like this.
Little swallow :Oh , yes... like this... like this.
Saad :(sitting sadly in front of his bambo hut, his little brown
ass Kalbouz comes in) Oh!
Little Ass :What's wrong with you dear friend?
Saad :I am sad my little ass! Just leave me alone.
Little Ass :I'll try get you out of that gloomy mood of
Yours: Haaa... haaa... haaa.
Saad :Please Kalbouz. For God's sake , leave me alone.
(Kalbouz tickles him gently) I have been awake all night
long. I feel sad at heart-deep.
Little ass :I know that your burdens are heavier than mine. And in
Comparison to my worries you have a lion's share.
This is why I'm trying to relieve you of your sadness.
Saad :(runs away as Kalbouz gallops at his
heels...Suddenly Kalbouz stops) Yeah!
Kalbouz :Where are you going?
Saad :(heading toward his hut) I'm going to ask Nour to come
out see why you are vexing me up.
(Saad raises his voice calling his wife Nour.Oh! Set-Nour!
Rid me of Kalbouz.That ass is driving me mad.
Kalbouz :(mimicking his master, but in its coarse voice)
Oh. Set-Nour! This ass is driving me mad (addressing the
audience) oh kids ,am I an ass? (Kalbouz draws nearer to
Saad whispering in its rough voice) you don't know then
that pretty young woman woke up at dawn.
Saad :What?
Kalbouz :Yes, she went out to water our flowers.
Saad :Do you want to tell that you and I are alone here?
Kalbouz :Right you are. That is it!
Saad :Good! Come on. (Saad jumps at Kalbouz. and bites him.
Kalbouz brays in a weeping voice. Saad feels sorry for
him. (In an apologizing voice he says) Come on my
dear little ass. What can I do? What can I do kids? I want
just to work, just to find some seeds to sow my field,
otherwise our small field would turn barren this coming
season . Don't tell me that our field has been already
ploughed. What's the use of ploughing a field without
sowing it! Oh God! Not even a single seed to sow (to
Kalbouz)! let me alone now. Let me for my worries
Kalbouz. Just leave me alone please !
(Kalbouz heads away towards the little swallows,
proposes to them to sing a nice song to cool down Saad's
pain of heart)
Kalbouz :Oh ,little swallows of so many different trees ! Oh , little
creatures of varied feathers! Join us all of you. To sing
that wonderful song of "The magic Flute"
Little Swallows :For the good-hearted farmer Saad?
Kalbouz :And his good-natured wife Nour.
Little Swallows :Really,it seems that they are suffering back-breaking
Kalbouz :To be sure, heart-breaking ones.
Little Swallows :Water-wheels are turning all their life long.
Down and down they sometimes come.
Up and up they often go.
Oh, worries go away and away.
Oh, joy please do come instead.
Water-wheels are whispering all their life long:
What all good creatures desire, we strive hard to satisfy.
This is why we keep turning up up and down down.
Saad :Thank you very much little swallows.
Kalbouz :(Sadly)What about your little ass, deserves no thanks?
Saad :Oh, Yes, You go find out where Nour is, fetch her to think
together over a solution for our problem. To sow our field
is a must. We have to grow some plants. (to the little
swallows) I should grow my small piece of land .
Little Swallows :(in chorus ) Nour is coming
Nour is coming
Nour :(enters distributing flowers on her left hand as well as
her right one, all are singing and dancing with the little
Bright morning is coming,
With him it's bringing dewy white jasmine and pretty
songs of birds.
Like Santa claus it is giving everything it carries to anyone
it comes across on its way.
Bright morning is whispering ;
Hope for good , good shall come over .
Hope for good , your luck shall turn better.
Hope for good, your day shall be brighter.
Saad :(worried and at a loss) what to do Nour?
Our field will turn waste land.
Nour :God prevents!
Saad :(repeats again) Our land will turn barren.
Nour :God prevents!
Saad :Why! Hasn't winter passed away?
And isn't spring approaching?
Don't tell me our field has been prepared for sowing seeds .
Nour :Dear husband; Don't shoulder all burdens of the world.
And try to think calmly what to do? How can we overcome
our problem in order not to miss the sowing season.
Saad :That is our destiny.
Nour :We should do something. We shouldn't stay idle.
Kalbouz :Yes, that's right, we should do something.
Saad :What Saad is supposed to do?
Nour :You go to your brother and ask him to lend us some seeds.
Saad :My brother Saadoun! Have you said that I should go to my
brother Saadoun?
Kalbouz :Yeah! your brother, not mine after all.
Nour :Yes,Your blood-brother Saadoun whose house is very near
as you can see.
Kalbouz :Yes, you go on foot. Neither need you a carriage nor a
companion to escort you.
Nay, you really need one!
Nour :That light over there, isn't it his?
Saad :I don't believe that Saadoun would lend me any seeds
whatsoever .
Nour :The wise saying is :"move man, leave no stone unturned
and (insistingly) God will help you" He must
Kalbouz :Right . Move Saad please Move .
Nour :Why not? For God's sake! have a go. "Se-Saad" please!
Child I :Don't forget that Saadoun is your blood-brother .
Child II :And would rejoice at your joy.
Child III :And would feel sad over your sadness .
Children :(in chorus) And would share your hardships and relieve
your pains of heart and after all "blood is thicker than
Saad :Saadoun? I know him very well.
Nour :Aren't both of you blood-brothers, born to the same
Saad :Yes, born to the same parents, but that was pretty long
years ago.
Nour :And even so. Are we going to beg the seeds from him.
Are we going to take those seeds for God's sake
Children :Oh, Yes, Neither this nor that.
Nour :We are just going to borrow… just to borrow...
Kalbouz :And as soon as our crop ripens, we are going to give him
his seeds back.
Nour :Make up your mind Se-Saad .
Saad :Is he your brother ?
Kalbouz :No, he isn't .
Saad :Is he my brother ?
Kalbouz :Yes, he is.
Saad :So, I know him better than you do.
Nour :Do you want to say that you are going to give in
without even one trial. Do you want to say that you don't
mind whether we lead a good or a miserable life, whether
we up or down. (in a different tone) Man should try.
Children :Yes. Man should try.
Kalbouz :Without trying, man loses much throughout his life.
Children :Right, you are, Kalbouz. Man should try.
Saad :And if he fails?
Nour :He should try again.
Saad :And if he fails once more.
Nour :He should try again.
Saad :And if he fails for the third time .
Nour :He should try again.
Saad :And if he fails for the fourth time ?
Nour :He should try again and again and again ...
Saad :Failure is bitter.
Nour :More bitter is regret.
Children :Really regret is much more bitter.
Nour :When we start biting our lips, asking ourselves if only we
had a go and called on Saadoun, our land wouldn't
have turned barren, our crop would have ripened
and got ready for collection.
Saad :I don't disagree with you but...
Nour :Without "but" please, you get up to your feet. Get up
Se-Saad. You can yet avert our field cruel bareness.
Saad :I mean if only ...
Nour :Just feel self-confidence. Speak up your mind hopefully
and faithfully, your voice would touch the heart of your
Saad :fixing his cap and buttoning his vest) Just...if...
Children :Hey! just speak up your mind to your brother and surely
you will convince him.
Kalbouz :Just stop saying if.
Saad :(suddenly bounces upon Kalbouz who runs away avoiding
his bounce).
(Nour, Children and Kalbouz join in singing a song for Saad)
:Begin your day in good faith,
Never stand still. Movement is a heavenly bless.
Move and you will lose nothing.
Do remember that blood is thicker than water.
Saadoun, your blood-brother will never fail you.
Saad :Yes, you are right, he is my blood-brother, but he has a
very different nature from mine.
Nour :Then, what else can we do?
After all he may be impressed with your words.
Saad :I'll go to him whatever the results may be.
Children :The result would be a wonderful success .
Nour :So we'll grow our field, and secure our bread and butter,
settle our debt without delay.
Saad :I hope he wouldn't disappoint me.
(decisively) So I have to go to Saadoun.
Nour :Yes and come back with seeds.
Saad :But I can not imagine what's going to happen. I feel that I
am stepping into a nightmare.
Children :Oh! Heaven!
Kalbouz :You haven't even taken the first step to feel like that.
Nour :What do you mean by "can not imagine"!
Saad :I mean I how am I going to meet him?
whether he would look at me or turn his face away, whether
he would take my hand or leave it in the air when I extend
it toward him, whether he would listen to me or disregard
my question.
Nour :(decisively ) Se-Saad! if you refused, I will (pauses)
Saad :What?
Nour :I'll go instead of you.
Saad :No. No. Never to go. It's me who is going right
now. Come what it might.After all he isn't your brother.
Children :Hurruh!
Saad :(to Kalbouz ) let's start our errand !
Children :(encouragingly) you go with him Kalbouz
Saad :(to Nour) Pray for me!
Nour :(sings)
God may bless every step you take.
God may reward your good faith.
This errand is a wide step in the right direction.
Whatever its fruit might turn to be.
(a curtain or a blackout or whatever just to indicate change both in time and place)
Saad :(in front of Saadoun's house) At last we arrived Kalbouz.
Kalbouz :Arrived?
Saad :Yes, We are now outside the house of my brother Saadoun.
That glittering light is coming out of its windows .
Kalbouz :Oh! Really! Saadoun will not turn us away. Saadoun
will surely lend us more than what we are in need for!
Saad :Why do you look so confident?
Kalbouz :It seems to me that he is such a well-to-do person.
Saad :(Ponderingly) you think so?
Kalbouz :(With a donkeyish smile) hope for a better morrow.
Saad :Sure. I do (they draw nearer to the house. A doggie barks at
them. Kalbouz jumps away out of fear ) Don't get afraid
Kalbouz :But it says : "Haw Haw Haw !"
Saad :Don't you say sometimes Haa Haa Haa?
Do you mean, then, to frighten anybody?
Kalbouz :(Shakes his head) No, not at all.
Saad :(to the doggie) Oh! you smart little doggy Both of
us (points at Kalbouz and himself ) are guests here.(The
doggie calms down, wags his tail greetingly) Good doggie.
(to Kalbouz) Shall we call Saadoun up? ...let us start, but in
a whispering voice. Again I repeat in a whispering voice!
Kalbouz :O.K. you call him and I repeat after you !
Saad :O Saadoun !
Kalbouz :O Saadoun !
Saad :O Saadoun my brother !
Kalbouz :O Saadoun my brother !
Saad :(astonishingly) My brother, not yours, you stupid ass!
Kalbouz :O.K. yours and not mine I see.
Saad :O Saadoun my brother!
Kalbouz :O Saadoun his brother!
Saad :(repeats) O Saadoun my brother.
Saadoun :(from inside his house answers back) who is calling me
up? ... Who is waking me up of my sweet sleep.
Saad :Of sweet sleep!
Kalbouz :(slapping his own face) Sweet sleep!
Saad :(in surprise) It's almost mid-day.
Saadoun :Is it mid-day of "today" or of "tomorrow" .
Saad :Morrow has not come yet.
Saadoun :So, let me continue my sleep.
Saad :Oh, God ! He'll sleep again (to Kalbouz) call again with
me Kalbouz: O Saadoun!
Kalbouz :O Saadoun! (he repeats)
Saad :No use. It seems that he fell asleep again (to the
children) Call with us kids.
Children :O Saadoun!
Saad :A little bit Louder.
Children :O Saadoun!
Saadoun :Louder.
Children :O Saadoun!
Saadoun :(comes out) What's wrong with all of you?
What do you want? What are you shouting for?
Saad :Me ...?
Saadoun :(Pointing at Kalbouz) This is a common ass, but what
about you?
Saad :Don't you remember me Saadoun?
Saadoun :Awfully sorry. Who are you?
Saad :It's Saad.
Saadoun :And who is Saad ?
Saad :Saad your bro...
Saadoun :(interruptingly) Saad the famous Orphan.
Saad :No,It's Saad your brother.
Saadoun :My own brother! But is my brother still holding on?
Saad :Yes, still alive and standing on his feet and in his flesh
and blood .
Saadoun :You mean in his bones. (Saadoun draws nearer to Saad)
Believe me ... (to his doggie) why did you stop barking?
(Turns again toward Saad) So far I am still at a loss.
Should I believe my mind or my eyes?
I still wondering whether you passed away and the person
standing before me now is no more than your ghost .
Saad :Unfortunately, still breathing …holding on.
Saadoun :By God, death is far better than your miserable life.
But seems that Death is hesitating to take you to his
kingdom , ha, ha, ha . (he laughs).
Kalbouz :(mockingly) Death is hesitating to take you to his
kingdom , ha , ha , ha .
Saadoun :What? Donkeys have come here to express themselves?
(to Kalbouz) who ever invited you to come stand with
us? Get yourself out of my garden,stand over there behind
that fence. But mind you not to lower your huge head to
snatch even one stalk of clover. I know the exact
number... stalk by stalk! (pushes Kalbouz away).
Saad :Sorry Kalbouz. Don't feel sad. Just wait for me over there.
(Kalbouz exits)
Saadoun :(to Saad) Come along (Saad takes a step forward but
Saadoun stops him) I didn't say come in, Only talk. What
hell did you come here for. Sure. You're in need for
something, aren't you?
Saad :Right you are. I came for a simple matter.
Saadoun :Ah! May be you came to borrow my corn-measure? If so,
I am at your service. Or else you want to borrow my
scales to weigh your butter, if so, I am at your disposal. Or
rather you would ask for my metre to measure the
feat cloth. You just give orders, me to obey.
Saad :Neither a corn-measure nor scales.
Saadoun :Nor a metre?
Saad :Nor a metre.
Saadoun :Then, what do you want?
Saad :I just came here hoping that you would lend me some
Saadoun :(pretending that he didn't hear the last word) some what?
some beads?!!
Saad :(repeats emphasizingly ) some seeds, I say.
Saadoun :Some reeds ?
Saad :(to children) did I say reeds children ?
Children :No. seeds
Saad :Repeat it to him please.
Children :(repeat the word clearly) Seeds.
Saadoun :Well. well . Why are you so upset. I heard it. You need
some seeds.
Saad :(releasing a sigh of relief) Right you are, some seeds.
Saadoun :(seems to faint) Oh ! My heart ! My heart!
Saad :Oh. My dear brother. Recover your consciousness.
I don't need neither seeds nor "beads" nor "reeds".
Saadoun :(Laughs aloud) You thought that I really fainted? (calls
for his wife Om-Shoor) Om-Shoor!
Om-shoor :(in a husky voice) What? What's wrong?
Saadoun :Come and see.
Om-shoor :(enters) Why did you call me up? Just why?
Saadoun :Come here to see what Squire Saad does want.
Om-shoor :(staring at Saad for a while) Who are you? (in a disgustful
voice) The husband of that nameless woman.
Saad :If you mean Nour, yes she is my wife.
Om-shoor :Hell! Fast and rash in defending her name.
Saad :Neither am I fast nor...
Om-shoor :(interrupts him) How could you put up with her and look
at her face?
Saad :My wife is a blameless woman.
Om-shoor :(mockingly) Right you are. She looks like a full moon, so
Shining and brilliant, so pretty with rosy cheeks.
Saad :(disregarding her mocking remarks) Yes, she is really so.
Om-shoor :However she is sending you barefoot to beg.
Saad :No. I didn't come here to beg.
Om-shoor :So What else did you come here for?
Saad :To borrow some seeds.
Om-shoor :To borrow ?
Saad :Yes.
Om-shoor :So all what we have for you is only one small word.
Saad :What's it?
Om-Shoor :No. (mockingly) You know how deep love we keep for
both of you, our dearies!
Saad :So, that is it my sister-in-law?
Om-shoor :It was you who followed Nour to the end of a blind
alley in which you found yourself now. (mockingly) Can
you bake a loaf out of her beauty when you feel hungry?
Can you turn her prettiness into a spoonful of milk when
you feel thirsty? And in winter can you sew her sweet
smiles into a blanket to warm you? (in a different tone)
What was wrong with my sister Om-romoush whom you
refused to take as your spouse?
Saadoun :Yes, can you tell us now what was wrong with Om-
romoush, ( points at his wife) her richer sister.
Om-shoor :If you listened with open ears to us and married her, you
wouldn't have to go around begging like that.
Saad :I am not begging after all. I said.
Om-shoor :How do you want to call it?
Saad :I am just coming to you to borrow, and borrowing is not
Om-shoor :Is not prohibited by whom?
Saad :By the villagers and all the people in our vicinity.
Om-shoor :But Saadoun and me have prohibited it. O.k.?
Saad :Yes,well (turning his back) Thank you very much, you
brother and you sister-in-law.
Om-shoor :(mockingly)Not at all. (disappears together with Saadoun
inside their house).
Saad :(to Kalbouz) Come along, let us go back. (aside) It was
my fault to follow Nour's advice. let us start our trip.
Saadoun :(peeps out of his window) Oh! Saad ! (Saad turns back)
Marry a poor maid, so that you help each other in
(Saad moves away solemnly)
Om-shoor :(peeps out of the window ) Oh! Saad! (Saad turns back)
God may help beggers !
Saad :(to Kalbouz) Be my witness Kalbouz.
Kalbouz :Never mind Saad . (Kalbouz starts a song to relieve Saad)
Down your worries off your shoulders for a little while.
Nothing remains as it is for ever.
Bad things are going to give away to good ones one day.
Cheerful you should go, cheerful you should come .
Just as your ass is doing all the time.
Though my back shoulders so many burdens of so
different kinds.
Patience is always a virtue. (in front of Saad's hut, Nour is
standing up to her feet waiting for her husband. Saad
approaches without a word. Kalbouz is also silent)
Nour :Bon arrivé. What happened? (to Kalbouz) What's wrong
with you? (Kalbouz tries to mime what happened) O.K.
Saad. Don't get angry. Hope for good, good would come
to you?
Saad :Hope for good! Hope for good! where is that good,you
are always talking about.
Nour :Existent, though we may not grasp it.
Saad :Your words convince me and even touch my heart, but as
soon as I follow them ...
Nour :Forget about it please.
Saad :Cause you didn't see the faces which Saadoun and Om-
Shoor showed us.
Nour :(thoughtfully) They must have told you: Sorry we do not
have any seeds left. Why not? They must have finished up
with their seeds. You know that their field is so big. think
of the good side.
Saad :Astonishingly enough I was almost sure of what was
going to take place.The rich people would never realize the
suffering of the poor. but you assumed the role of a wise
Nour :Who knows what future hides in his cloak for us.
Saad :No more than what the past has shown us. (A strong wind
blows) Good God! What's that?
Nour :Has the winter arrived all of a sudden.
Saad :We should expect more and more of that all winter long ...
winds, storms, chilly hail, to mention only some.
Nour :Do hope all the time for good.
Saad :(Sarcastically) Sure, I will, though I don't know how.
Nour :Sometimes it could be raining, windy, dark, cloudy and
all of a sudden the sun shines, rain stops, the sky clears and
cold sets back for its home country.
Saad :Never. What always happen is to the contrary. It could be
clear, sun's shining, even smiling, soft breeze's blowing 'nd
all of a sudden (the storm blows again) you can see for
yourself. Oh God save us! Oh God save us! (Nour
shrinks in, holds tight her simple dress. the storm enters
personified in a giant going round and round around
himself in big whirlwinds, attached to his head, trunk and
waist are so many ribbons of different colours).
The storm :Round. round and round I go.
On ripe time I do come.
Just to turn everything up side down.
Top I make a bottom and bottom I make a top.
Ceilings I make floors and floors I push up to
Round , round and round I move.
Nour :Oh God. We pray for your mercy.
Oh God. No one but you can save us.
(addressed Saad) Something very strange! Nothing of the
like has ever befallen us.
Saad :(bewildered and addressing the storm) Who are you ?
The Storm :I am the storm . The king of winds. Who brings every
standing thing down to the ground no matter if it may be
a pillar in a big palace,or a wall in a fortified castle.
(Saad tightens Nour's dress around her and holds her
Saad :But this is no more than a humble hut as you can see.
It's neither a palace nor a castle.
The Storm :Yes, true. But I can never spare anything which is
standing on its feet. (Saad is still defending Nour against
the storm) And I must tear off her dress (pointing at Nour)
Saad :Never, Never, that would never happen for my life.
(Saad is protecting her against the blowing storm).
The storm :Seems that you're deeply concerned with her.
Saad :As any husband should love his spouse.
The Storm :(ragestruck) What? love!?! Have I heard that
word? Then I must leave for good. (exits)
Saad :(to Nour) Has he really left?
Nour :Yes sure.
Saad :What about our hut?
Nour :Holding on. (a swallow's voice comes out groaning eh.
eh. eh.) What's wrong with you Se-Saad ?
Saad :Nothing wrong with me ...
Nour :But you were groaning just a while ago.
Saad :Me?
Nour :Yes. I heard you groaning.
Saad :I myself, heard a groan, but I thought it was
Nour :No. it was you.
Saad :(to the children in the hall) was it me children?
Children :No. it was not you.
Nour :Then whose groan was it?
Children :It was the swallows'.
Saad :Yes the swallows who are groaning because of the storm.
Nour :What a pity! (pointing at some shivering swallows) Look
over there.
Saad :Take them to your bosom, warm them up.
Nour :(looks at them pitifully) oh my God! They have neither
feathers nor down.
Saad :Warm them up!
Nour :What a pity! They look lifeless. Look how their bodies are
stiff, their eyes closed and their beaks are wide-open.
Saad :They may be only fainting. Warm them up till I fix their
nest (to the children) Where is the nest my children? It
was here. Oh! Yes thank you . Here it is and still intact.
(joyously) Oh Set-Nour, the nest is intact.
Nour :Then put it back in up there.
Saad :Sure I'll.
Nour :(to the swallows) Get warm in my bosom, my little kids.
(to Saad) One of them woke up . He is still alive! But alas!
His body is too weak and bony.
Saad :It's not a grave matter. As long as there is life, there must
be hope.
Nour :Yes, sure.Have you repaired the nest?
Saad :Yes. It's all right now...Come you little swallow to rest in
your warm nest. Come ,Come (he raises the little swallow
and puts it in its nest)
Nour :Gracious God ! Another swallow came to its senses .
Swallow :Aye. Aye ! (in pain)
Nour :And there is another, but where is it?
Children :There, over there.
Nour :(calling her husband) Se-Saad! there is another swallow
lying over there.
Swallow :Aye. Aye!
Saad :Where? Yes. Here it is. (addressing Nour) come help me.
Nour :Take Care! His leg could have been broken.
Saad :Exactly, You are right. His leg must be put into splints.
(he fetches two pieces of wood and starts his work on the
swallow's leg) Nour!
Nour :Yes .
Saad :Fetch him some water please as he must be dead
Nour :(to the swallow) Open your eyes, you sweet swallow
(with mouth full of water approaches the little swallow,
puts her mouth to his and lets him drink).
Saad :Let him drink a little bit more while I go search for
whether there are any other swallows in need of help.
The Swallow :(coming to his senses) where am I?
Nour :You are here.
The Swallow :And who are you ? Who is giving me water to drink?
Nour :It's me. Thank God Almighty for your safety.
The Swallow :Oh God! I have been almost sent to the borders of
Death Kingdom.
Nour :Death! God prevents!
The Swallow :(smiles) You, Angel-like, were you giving me water in
your own mouth to drink.
Nour :Of course, my little one.
The Swallow :And what is that? Se-Saad is repairing my nest.
Saad :Why not, young swallow?
The Swallow :(sighs) Don't bother yourself Se-Saad it's over.
Saad :(approaches the little swallow ) What do you mean?
The Swallow :Appearances give us clues to the essence.
Saad :Are you casting a riddle?
The Swallow :No. But this early winter looks awful from the very
start, doesn't it ?
Saad :What do you have in mind, little swallow?
The Swallow :What I have in mind is to leave.
Saad :(in a surprise) Where to?
The Swallow :Any where. I am going to fly from a sky into another till I
find my bread, I mean, my grain under a big sun full of
light and warmth.
Nour :Do you want to emigrate, you, too, little swallow ?
Saad :Is that true ?
The Swallow :You have seen the very start of the coming winter.
Saad :Yes. really, but ...
Nour :I mean ... (finds no words)
The Swallow :Don't get anxious about that. Swallows never find their
peace of mind, except where they were born. Now let me
say bye. See you Se-Saad, see you Set-Nour. Hope we
meet soon, very soon. (The Swallow flies).
(A curtain or a blackout)
Saadoun :(In front of Saadoun's house together with his spouse Om
-Shoor) I am not happy at all with those passers-by.
Om-Shoor :Me too. They send me mad as they glare at our house
once they draw near.
Saadoun :(as he fixes a scarecrow) In this way nobody would
neither approach nor pass by our house.
Om-Shoor :Even if he were in need of some seeds to sow his field.
Saadoun :Anyone who comes near, his heart would stop out of awe.
look at our scarecrow, (to Om-Shoor) beautiful, isn't it?
Om-Shoor :Sure, It will scare all village folk away.
Saadoun :So we have put an end to their danger.
Om-Shoor :(dances with him) Oh! my little Saadoun! How clever
and thoughtful you are! No one can outwit you.
Saadoun :This is for you to feel proud of.
(A curtain or blackout)
Nour :(in front of Saad's hut at dawn.Nour is going out to
water their flowers. Something over her head draws her
attention, raises her head upwards, eyes a small bird
hovering around their hut, looks into the hut, calls for
Saad) O Se-Saad ! O Se-Saad!
Saad :Yes.
Nour :Come out have a look.
Saad :(comes out of the hut) look at what?
Nour :Look upwards. Do look please. Oh!
Yes. Now what do you see?
Saad :A sky, a cloudy one, to be sure.
Nour :And a little bird, right?
Saad :What is the significance?
Nour :Together with his brothers and sisters.
Saad :What does that mean to you?
Nour :They are hovering round and round over our hut a pretty
long time ago.
Saad :A pretty long or a pretty short time ago, what is the
Nour :It seems that it wants something.
Saad :Like what?
Nour :I don't know. But hovering for such a long time is not
without meaning .
Saad :Really, but...Oh! It starts to chirp. It is so strange. Oh! it is
coming down.
Nour :How beautiful it looks. Its tail, its wings all are colourful.
Could it be ...
Saad :Could it be what ?
Nour :Could it be that little bird that we have put into splints.
Saad :Yes, it seems so.
Nour :What's new about him is only his colourfil feathers.
Saad :Yes. It must be coming back from a sky full of light and
Nour :It looks as if it were ...
Saad :As if it were what ?
Nour :The bird of Paradise !
Children :(singing) The bird of paradise is colourful. His feathers
are yellow, red and green
His heart is as white as milk.
Nour :Really, It is that little bird that we have cured before .
Saad :But how it comes that he recovered in no time like that.
Nour :The bones of the birds are limp and easy to patch up.
Saad :But why doesn't he want to perch down.
Nour :Neither he nor his brothers nor sisters want to do so.
Saad :Shouldn't they come down?
Nour :Come girls and boys to sing to persuade them come
Down.(Nour&all start singing)
Come down O little colourful bird,
We do welcome your stay with us.
(The swallows flutter down, The Bird of Paradise accompanied by his sisters and brothers come down).
Saad :He is coming down.
Nour :Yes, together with his sisters and brothers.
Children :(joyously) Hurrah! Hurrah!
Saad :It is him really set-Nour.
Nour :That means that we were curing the Bird of Paradise.
Saad :(joyously) sure, Nour.
The Bird :Good morning, Se-Saad.
Saad :Good morning to you, little bird.
The Bird :Good morning , Set-Nour.
Nour :Good morning to you sweet bird.
Saad :Our congratulations for your quick recovery .
The Bird :Thank God and Man (turns to the children) Good
morning you kids.
Children :Good morning to you, honourable bird.
Swallows :Good morning all kids.
Children :Good morning all birds.
The Bird :(to Saad and Nour) After you cured me, I flew and flew
high and high, crossed blue seas.
Children :blue seas!
The Bird :And passed over green seas.
Children :Green they were!
The Bird :And fluttered over red seas.
Children :Red like apples!
The Bird :Till I reached a country with a big sunny sun. I got
satisfied even before I tasted any food.
Children :Mmmm!
The Bird :And I felt my thirst was quenched without drinking a sip.
Children :How wonderful!
The Bird :My bones patched up and my wounds healed.
As I was looking around, I found that all my brothers and
all my friends whom I missed in my country are there. I
discovered that they have emigrated before me. I sat with
them and told them the story of the storm which blew down
our nests. And how Se-Saad and Set-Nour
cured me. I remembered Set-Nour's tears and Se-Saad's
anxiety. Then I felt divided between leading a fine
life there and returning to you. Finally I decided to
come back.
Swallows :And we, his sisters and brothers, also decided not to let
him return alone.
Nour :How beautiful !
Children :What a noble conduct !
Swallows :We extended our wings and flew, escorting him, each of
us bringing a seed from the nearest barn. We are just sorry
for arriving so late.
The Bird :Here are the seeds.
Children :Oh! Seeds, Seeds, Real Seeds!
The Bird :(in an urging voice) Swallows! Wings up. Seeds down!
Children :Hurrah! Hurrah!
Saad :Oh God! How gracious and generous you are!
Nour :Didn't I tell you hope for good.
Saad :We will grow our field this year!
Children :Grow our field this year we will !
Saad :(kneeling and picking up a strange seed, to Nour)
What is this ?
Nour :It is a seed .
Saad :But what kind of a seed?
Nour :Yes, what kind of a seed?
Children :Yes. What kind of a seed?
Saad :What a strange seed!
Nour :I have never seen similar one.
Saad :Could it be a seed of sweet-melon? (the swallows smile)
Nour :Are you kidding Se-Saad ? The sweet-melon seeds rather
Saad :Then, it must be orange-melon's. (the swallows smile)
Nour :Orange-melon seeds are rather yellowish.
Saad :So, it is cucumber's, (the swallows smile again)
Nour :Cucumber's seed is a little bit fattish.
A child :(to the swallows) what kind of seed is it, Swallows?
(the swallows smile)
Nour :Well, let us sow it and wait and see.
Saad :How could it come to sow any seeds without knowing its
The Bird :It will grow up one day, then we could know its kind.
The Swallows :(repeating) When it grows up, we will know its kind.
The Bird :And we have to leave so as to give you time to grow your
field and feel happy with it. We take leave now as we
have a lot of things to do.
The Swallows :A lot of things to do.
The Bird :See you later. Let us move swallows! (get ready to fly).
Saad :No, no. You cann't leave today. You are our guests.
Nour :How could we let you go without having a rest ?
Children :After all, your nests are still over there tidy and warm.
The Bird :We are obliged to leave right now. We are in a hurry to
leave before sunset so that we could reach our destination
before nightfall. As for you, you have yet a lot of work to
The Swallows :A lot of work to do !
The Bird :And growing land does need toil and sweat.
The Swallows :And both patience and vigilence.
The Bird :O Swallows !
The Swallows :Yes, brother.
The Bird :Which of you can stay with Set-Nour and Se-Saad to
give them a hand .
The Swallows :(fluttering their wings) Me! Me! Me!
The Bird :One. Two, Three.... Wonderful. (to the swallows who
preferred to stay) In our name, we swallows, do thank you.
But promise not to leave Set-Nour and Se-Saad until the
seeds grow up. And only then we could meet to the east of
the sun over there.
Now (to Set-Nour& Se-Saad) See you later.
(music, blackout, a song sung to the rhythm of the blows of axes and spades)
All in Chorus :Oh. Our good earth, we scratch your face with our spades
and receive your smile.
With our axes we cut your skin, and in return you
give us food, cloth and shelter means.
How good-hearted you are our Supreme Mother.

Act II

Swallow :A water-melon! A water-melon!
Nour :(coming out of her hut) How strange! How wonderful!
(calls) Se-Saad! come and see Se-Saad.
Saad :(coming out) What is the matter Set-Nour?
Oh! What a big water-melon! I can hardly believe my eyes.
Nour :Promising, isn't it?
Saad :Am I dreaming Set-Nour?
Nour :Seems so Se-Saad. Both of us are dreaming.
Kalbouz :No. We are not dreaming. It's real. A water-melon! just
Nour :(to Saad) Kalbouz is right.
Saad :And we are not in a dream!
Kalbouz :With full open eyes, how could we be in a dream?
Nour :(to a child) Take care lest it rolls tripping you down.
Children :(enter pushing forward a bigger water-melon) We have
found another one. That seed yielded another water-melon.
Saad :Oh! God gracious! A huge water-melon.... and another
one, even bigger than the first.
Children :(enter pushing forward a third water-melon)And one
more! (they cheer joyfully).
Saad :Three huge water-melons at a time...each one is bigger than
its sister! Oh! God. I just want to make sure that I am not in
a happy dream.
Nour :Yes, it's real Se-Saad .
Child :Its taste will be as sweet as sugar.
Kalbouz :As clover you mean, (all laugh).
Children :As sweet as sugar Kalbouz.
Child :Do you smell it?
Children :Its smell is better than that of ambergris.
Kalbouz :Yes, sure.
Child :Shouldn't we wait till we cut it open. Maybe turns to be
white inside, who knows?
Child :God prevents! Just be optimistic lad.
Kalbouz :God's will. It will be red ....as well as strawberries.
Saad :Come on, you girls, boys, and also you swallows come
roll with us these water-melons.Hella-hoop*.Hella-hoop!!
Children :(together with the swallows)Halla-hoopHalla-
Saad :Halla-hoop and our water-melons could satisfy all the
villagers in our vicinity .
Children :(together with the swallows)Hella-hoopHella and our
water-melons are big enough to satisfy all the people in
sight .
Saad :We shall eat only a portion.
Children :(together with the swallows) How big any portion of these
water-melons will be!
Saad :So, we could share pretty good portions with the passers-
Children :(together with the swallows) sure. Every passer-by should
have a share.
Saad :Let us stop here (all stop rolling) Fetch me a pen-knife to
cut it .
Nour :(laughs) What?
Saad :O.K. Fetch me a kitchen-knife.
Nour :I don't think even a kitchen-knife will work.
Saad :Do you think of a butcher-knife ?
Kalbouz :(extends his hand with an axe) Have this. No more and no
Saad :(holds the axe in hand) An axe?
Kalbouz :And hold it firmly with both hands.
Saad :(holds the axe firmly) So let us start with that one over
there. (stops) shouldn't we thank God before opening it
(raises up his hands suppliantly followed by the children,
they whisper a brief prayer without any articulation)
Children :Amen!
Saad :And now, hella-hoop! What is that? (the water-melon is
full of a big variety of fruits ) Look Set-Nour.
Nour :A treasure has fallen in our lap.
Saad :Do you believe that? (to the children) Stretch out our
hands into it. (the swallows twitter)
Nour :What is this?
Saad :Isn't it pomegranate? (throws it upwards) How could it
come to fly up like that? (picks it amouth) Hurrah! It sets
down on my mouth. How sweet it is!
Child :(cries out) Apples! Apples! I found apples. A wonder!
(tastes it).
Children :Shouldn't we taste it with you? (give each other some to
Saad :And what is this?
Child :Looks like figs.
Children :Exactly, figs.
Saad :Yes, yes, (to Nour) Just have a bite Set-Nour. (Nour takes a
bite) As you did it, you will follow me and even run after
me all your life long.(took to his heels)
Nour :But just let your feet touch the ground. you don't run, you
Saad :Do you imagine catching up with me would be so easy ?
(to the children)
Stretch out your hands and find out what's more inside.
Child :What is this?
Child I :Grapes! Grapes!
Child II :Peaches! Peaches!
Child III :Mangoes! Mangoes!
Kalbouz :Haven't you found some clover for me, or we, asses, have
no share in this cake.
(the children smile)
Child I :Cheer up!
Child II :Share us!
Child III :Water-melon is as tasty as clover,dear!
Child II :How wonderful! A water-melon inside the giant one !
Saad :Look. It is open.
Child I :Then, what is inside ?
Saad :Here we are! Seeds similar to those which swallows
brought to us.
Child I :Is all that inside a water-melon?!
Nour :I have never seen a similar fruit in my life.
Saad :All that is inside a fruit!
Nour :The fruit of your hard labour.
Saad :To be sure, the fruit of our toil as a whole.
Kalbouz :(sadly) Have you forgotten about Kalbouz's helping hand.
Nour :No, Kalbouz, you sweet ass. How could any of us forget
about you?
Saad :Now let us turn to the second water-melon.
Nour :Yes, to the second water-melon.
Saad :(holds the axe with his hands, moves together with the
children, swallows and Kalbouz to the second water-melon.
Saad raises his hands upwards suppliantly) Just a moment
(he leads a prayer just like the first one, whispering without
articulation) Amen!
Children :Amen!
Swallows :Amen!
Kalbouz :(in his own coarse voice) Amen!
(Saad hits the second water-melon open)
Nour :How wonderful! Silk clothes of so different styles and
measures! Embroidered fustains! Buttoned bodices!
Saad :And even nightcaps and scarves!
Nour :(starts to give to the children) Have whatever you like for
your beloved, your friends and your neighbours.
Distribute you girls and boys among the passers-by and
Saad :(laughing in joy) pickaback! Oh! Generous Heaven.
(Looks at the third Water-melon) what about this one?
what is inside it?
Children :Really. What is inside it?
Saad :Where is the axe? (takes the axe) let us cut it open too.
Nour :What! Gold! Diamond! Pearl!
Kalbouz :And dinars.
Saad :Alas! All are whole dinars, but no small change.
Nour :Change crisis could be bearable.
Saad :Right (to the children) take you, girls and boys, your
enough share. Fill up your double handfuls.
Kalbouz :Fill up your pockets.
Nour :Yes, sure. Good is abundant. (all exit leaving the scene as
it is behind. Saadoun and his wife Om-Shoor enter)
Saadoun :(to his wife) Have you seen by your own eyes?
Om-Shoor :And I have heard by my own ears.
Saadoun :Have you understood anything whatsoever?
Om-Shoor :How can I in such a big mess. What about you?
Saadoun :Neither could I understand anything (perplexed) Aren't
those Saad and Nour who were miserables?
Aren't those who were badly stricken with poverty?
Wasn't it Saad who came to our house so humbly to beg
some seeds to sow his field. What helped change their
conditions from black to white. How could they raise up to
the seventh sky from their Seventh Earth. How could all
that fortune have come to them? And look Om-Shoor, how
the fools are dividing their own fortune among those who
deserve and those who deserve not.
Om-Shoor :But what about all that? From where has it come up to
them? What have they done to reach such a position?
No one should tell me that they are lucky, no one!
Has Seth,the God of the wind carried it to them?
Saadoun :Oh! you have just have reminded me of something. I want a
whiff of air. I feel suffocated. I feel like going mad.
Save me who hear me. I am fainting Om-Shoor I already
fainted. (collapses down)
Om-Shoor :Oh! My little Saadoun, come to yourself! Why should you
add to my worries?
Saadoun :(rouses) Here I am Om-Shoor. Just tell me from where has
this fortune come to them, how, when and why? (pauses)
and who sent it to them ?
Om-Shoor :It was Heaven no more and no less.
Saadoun :(unbelievingly) Heaven! Have you ever seen or even
heard that Heaven rained for a moment fruits or clothes or
Om-Shoor :So, it was earth which bursts forth with that fortune just
like a huge fountain (mimes a fountain) like that, like that.
Saadoun :(mimicking her mime) just like that, like that ! like that !
Om-Shoor :So, there must be a mystery behind it. A mystery which
nobody knows about, except Saad and Nour his wife. How
painful. Look. I found it! I found it!
Saadoun :(mockingly) What have you found?
Om-Shoor :The solution of the riddle.
Saadoun :What is that solution of yours?
Om-Shoor :You ... (pauses)
Saadoun :Me?
Om-Shoor Yes, you go ask your brother the mystery behind it all.
Saadoun :Me? go ask Saad? what a foolish idea!
Om-Shoor :Yes, you go ask him. Isn't he your blood-brother?
Saadoun :Right. He is my blood-brother who came to us at the
beginning of the sowing season to borrow some
seeds. Do not you remember that? (suddenly at a loud
voice) It is me who found it.
Om-Shoor :What?
Saadoun :You ...
Om-Shoor :Me ...what ?
Saadoun :It is only you who can outwit her.
Om-Shoor :Outwit whom?
Saadoun :Who else? Nour.
Om-Shoor :Oh devil! That nameless woman?
Saadoun :Yes ,that nameless woman. You call on her,befriend her in
no time,you need no more than some oily manipulations of
yours, until you extract the mystery we are after. Right.
Say it my mistress of don't-give-but-take dialogue.
Confess it my little Om-Shoor. Am I right?
Om-Shoor :(after a pause) Yes, I have to; my little Saadoun.(They
exit. Children and Swallows are putting the final touches
to a palace for Saad and Nour, As they are working , a
musical tune is heard. Kalbouz is watering the garden in
front of the palace in-building. The children and the
swallows flee away all of a sudden as they saw Om-
Shoor coming)
Swallows :Om-Shoor is coming! Fly.
Children :Flee away swallows! (all swallows and Children
disappear) .
Kalbouz :(astonishingly) Om-Shoor! (ponderingly)What are you
coming here for? What do you have in mind?
But why is she coming with such a ruffled hair? And why
is she so quick and hasty? (to himself) Shouldn't you
Kalbouz hide behind that tree and try frighten her? (to the
children) What do you think of this plan, boys? (Most
boys agree, Kalbouz prances for a while) come nearer and
nearer come, you little Om-Shoor!
Kalbouz :(comes from behind a tree and hits Om-Shoor with his
tail. She turns around herself, looking for the hitter but in
Om-Shoor :(in front of the palace of Saad and Nour) How
magnificent! How luxurious! How....
Kalbouz :(comes from behind the tree and hits Om-Shoor once
again with his tail stronger) Do you want to hit us
with an evil-eye? (hits her even stronger) Here is your
reward which you deserve right.
Om-Shoor :For God's sake! What is that ? Who is it? A human or a
ginni ? (turns to the palace of Saad and Nour) What about
this beautiful smell? Couldn't be Indian incense? and what
is that? Coloured glass? I bet you forgot about your
bambo hut. What a luck! You, the daughter of the late
poor woman Baddour; after all it's your kismet and
Kalbouz :(lashes her with his tail) And this is also a part of your
Kismet! (Om-Shoor screams at Kalbouz and Kalbouz brays
loudly at her and keep on like that for a while)
Tell me right now what hell brought you here ?
Om-Shoor :(coaxingly) The moment we, Saadoun and I heard about
it, we felt more than happy and decided to come on the spot
to congratulate you, because we feel it is a must on our part
to do so. We are nearby neighbours and close relatives…
Kalbouz :(interrupting her) O.K. O.K.-follow me, I mean I move
first and you come after me and just keep calling "Gee!
Om-Shoor :Gee! Gee! my little ass (they reach their destination in
front of the palace of Nour and Saad). I feel pity for you
because we came along a pretty long way.
Kalbouz :Never mind. Just call aloud like this: Oh! Set-Nour. Oh!
The most beautiful lady in our vicinity! Oh! The prettiest
lady who is shining in her palace and her light spreads even
Om-Shoor :All that?
Kalbouz :Yes.
Om-Shoor :Oh! Set-Nour! Oh! The most beautiful lady in our vicinity!
Oh! The prettiest lady who is shining in her palace and even
Kalbouz :(annoyed) No. Not like that. Call her heartily! Out of your
inner-most heart.
Om-Shoor :This is what I did.
Kalbouz :No, it was only out of your lips. Call again just like this
(singing) Oh! Set-Nour. Oh! The most beautiful lady in our
vicinity! Oh! The prettiest lady who is shining in her palace
and even beyond!
Om-Shoor :And if I did, she would hear me and come out brother?
Kalbouz :(objectingly) No. You are neither my sister nor am I your
brother (in a commanding voice) start.
Om-Shoor :(Singing) Oh! Set-Nour...
Nour :(Coming out of her palace) Who is it?
(discovers who was calling) Om-Shoor ?
What good wind has sent you here sister?
Om-Shoor :God bless you (aside) And He has already done it.
Nour :We do thank you, sister.
Om-Shoor :(aside) Everything is being turned up side down.
Downstairs has become upstairs. (to Nour) Believe me
my real sister you are a glittering pearl, a pure natural one.
Believe me my real sister I feel like bursting out of joy.
Believe me or not bursting is what...
Nour :What should I offer you to drink?
Om-Shoor :Nothing at all.
Nour :How come! You should have something, you are
our guest.
Om-Shoor :I feel as if I have drunk it.
Nour :No, no , just ask for a drink. It is a must. Mangoe-juice?
Strawberry-juice? Pineapple-juice?
Om-Shoor :(amazed) You have even pineapple-juice?
Kalbouz :Riches choose to fall in the lap of those who deserve it
Om-Shoor :It is plain clear (Sadly she supports her head with her palm)
Nour :What can I do for you, sister?
Om-Shoor :(as if she has been waiting for the question for a long
time) The mystery.
Nour :What mystery?
Om-Shoor :The mystery behind it all… that fortune that has fallen in
your lap. Tell me. Relate to me what happened, Oh my
lovely, smiling-pearl Set-Nour, my real sister....
Nour :Sure I will tell you all about it as you wish.
Om-Shoor :(unbelievingly) really? You are laughing at me, aren't you?
Nour :Why should I laugh at you?
Om-Shoor :Then, out with it just to honour words.
Nour :(Plain-heartedly) Do you remember that day when Se-Saad.
Om-Shoor :Yes, Saad I know this name.
Nour :And Kalbouz
Om-Shoor :Kalbouz? Who is that?
Kalbouz :Here I am. (Pounces and brays for a little while)
Om-Shoor :(disgustfully)Oh,Yes, I was about to forget.
Nour :That day, they came back so sadly.
Om-Shoor :Sadly? But why? What wrong have I or Saadoun done
to any of them?
Nour :(Carries along with her story) Se-Saad...
Om-Shoor :Yes, Saad…, come on.
Nour :Se-Saad sat down so embarrassed, so troubled and every
door whatsoever seem shut-locked to his face wherever on
earth he should go to.
Om-Shoor :But all doors seem widely open now to the one and the
same face.
Nour :All of a sudden a terrible storm blew, pulling down the
swallows' nests.
Om-Shoor :(Cryingly) I do not understand anything. Terrible storm!
Nests! You don't mean to tell me any meaningful phrase.
I want you, sister, just to uncover the mystery please.
please do, sister, for God's sake!
Nour :Do you prefer to recreate our story?
Om-Shoor :I don't prefer anything, I want just to know what happened
to you so suddenly? Am I clear?
Nour :Then, I think it would be much better to recreate it. (to the
swallows and children) Swallows! Children! what do you
think of recreating our story for Om-Shoor?
Swallows :Hurrah! We are going to take part in a play.
Children :Hurrah! We too. (They mime what happened)
Om-Shoor :And so that is it. What a prescription to be rich.
Nour :(astonished) A prescription?
Om-Shoor :Yes, it is no more or less than a real prescription for
bringing about all ambitions (to herself) What a wonderful
prescription! (jumps out of joy, to Nour). Never tell
anybody else about it. (to herself) I should hurry up to
Saadoun (to Nour) You should never tell anybody else about
Nour :What do you have in mind?
Om-Shoor :To get richer than you, that is what I have in mind.
What about you? Do you think that you are the cleverest
and the wisest among us all? You are wrong to think like
Nour :Oh! Om-Shoor! Oh! Om-Shoor!
(A curtain or a black-out)
(Saadoun and Om-Shoor in the middle of their backyard
trying to catch some swallows)
Saadoun :Here we are! We managed to catch them after all.
Om-Shoor :But hold them firmly lest they should fly again.
Saadoun :I have tied them firmly already. But alas! There are no
Om-Shoor :Yes We are in bad need for a strong storm. Oh!
Heaven do send us just one.
Saadoun :Search for some fledgling storm somewhere here or there.
Om-Shoor :How can we find a storm!
Saadoun :What is to be done now?
Om-Shoor :That matter needs a big mind.
Saadoun :I have found it. I have found it.
Om-Shoor :What is it?
Saadoun :You go inside (points at the inner house) and come out
with a blanket.
Om-Shoor :What for?
Saadoun :Do not argue (Om-Shoor fetches a blanket. Saadoun and
Om-Shoor waver the blanket to create a storm, they fail and
abandon the trial) .
Om-Shoor :That matter still needs even a bigger mind. And I think that
there is no bigger head in our neighbourhood than yours.
Saadoun :I found it.
Om-Shoor :Really?
Saadoun :Of course.
Om-Shoor :Haven't I told you that your head is bigger than any body's.
But what is it?
Saadoun :We should make it.
Om-Shoor :Just as we made that bambo-hut? (she points at the hut built
in the middle of the backyard).
Saadoun :Yes. An artificial storm.
Om-Shoor :Bravo! Do you mean Dum Dum Dum !
Saadoun :That is it.
Om-Shoor :What a brilliant mind you have! What are you waiting for?
Hurry up. Have this club and hand over a little one to me.
Saadoun :Let us begin. 1...2....3 (she counts. All swallows flee except
Om-Shoor :(in a husky voice) Hurrah. A little swallow is dying over
there (She bends down over the little bird)
Saadoun :Force that creature to drink and eat.
(pushes a bucket of water nearer to Om-Shoor)
Om-Shoor :Wonderful but alas! His two legs are sound and unhurt.
Saadoun :Never mind, Twist them back so hard till I fetch a piece of
wood and a piece of tweed to make a bonesetting. And this
is all, isn't it?
Om-Shoor :Yes sure. This is what is needed.
The Swallow :I need not any bonesetting from you. Just let me fly back
Om-Shoor :You have no say in this affair.
Saadoun :It is our business, not yours.
The Swallow :Have mercy on me!
Om-Shoor :Shut up. Let us carry on with our work.
The Swallow :That's enough. I do plead with you.
Saadoun :We are going to let you fly, but on one condition to come
back again.
The Swallow :Agreed.
Om-Shoor :Without delay.
The Swallow :Sure.
Saadoun :(Threateningly) Otherwise we will deal you a crushing
disastrous blow.
The Swallow :Agreed.
Saadoun :Say it again.
The Swallow :(trembling) Agreed!
Om-Shoor :And that seed, you know about, in your beak. Right?
The Swallow :Right.
Om-Shoor :Agreed or not agreed?
The Swallow :O.K. I will come back right away with that seed which I,
I mean, you know about.
Saadoun :(threateningly) Don't forget.
Om-Shoor :Or pretend to have forgotten.
Saadoun :And if you did, I would pull down your nest wherever you
build it.
Om-Shoor :Don't try to befool us, Have you got it or in need to force
you to?
The Swallow :I got it.
Om-Shoor :(pushes it) Hurry up! but do not forget that here are Saadoun
and Om-Shoor waiting for you come back.
Saadoun :(after the swallow flies) However your face may look
unpleasant on arrival. (The swallow flies. Saadoun turns to
Om-Shoor) Well done!
Om-Shoor :That is it .
(A curtain)
(Music. Saad and Nour are singing a love song outside their palace)
A bright crescent faded away.
A brighter full moon was born high in the sky .
Good luck is no more than a promise;
For those who deserve to be promised.
We dream of pretty enormous well-fare
That would fill up all huts in every slum.
So that no one would feel neither hungry nor thirsty.
And nobody may lie down with the faintest feeling of
injustice in mind.
We cherish seeing lads and lasses, who are as young as
buds, singing dancing and loving each other.
We long for an earthly paradise without fences around.
The bright crescent faded away.
And the brighter full moon was born high in the sky.
(A curtain & Music)
(Outside the house of Saadoun and Om-Shoor Children are
gathering to watch the movement of the swallow which is
hovering around the house)
Child I :O!, Om-Shoor and Saadoun, The Swallow has just arrived.
Om-Shoor :(comes out with a club, sways it threateningly) Get away
you wicked boys and girls. What business do you have with
our long-awaited Swallow?
Child II :(receives a blow on the rear) Ayy!
Om-Shoor :(hits another child) Take this!
Child III :Ayy!
Om-Shoor :(runs after the children who escape as they cry: Ayy!)
O, Saadoun! O. Saadoun!
Saadoun :(from inside) What are you screaming up for?
Om-Shoor :Come out, my dear husband, our swallow has arrived.
Saadoun :What! Really? (looks up at the hovering swallow) Yes, you
are right dear wife. (then addressing the hovering swallow)
You better drop down the seed... I see it in your long beak.
Can you deny it? Drop it right now, just to let you return
home safe and sound! Listen to me!
Om-Shoor :No, Saadoun. Try to use sugar-coated words to persuade
that swallow into dropping the seed. And after that you can
treat him the way you like.
Saadoun :Do you want to spoil swallows!! (addressing once again
the swallow) Drop it right now I say. Drop it. Behave
yourself or you will be severely punished. Do not think
that you would be safe as long as you are flying so high.
Om-Shoor :It seems to me that wicked swallow will not drop that seed
we are in bad need for.
Saadoun :You mean our seed. don't you?
Om-Shoor :Sure. I mean our seed which he keeps in his beak.
Saadoun :(addressing the swallow) Just wait! Just a while (rushes
inside his house)
Om-Shoor :(to the swallow) it is better for you to drop it before
Saadoun comes back, you block-headed!
Saadoun can teach you an unforgettable lesson if you
Saadoun :(Coming out with a bow and an arrow-bag aback (to
Om-Shoor) It did not drop it till now! (pulls his bow, fixes
an arrow to it) Drop it, for the last time I say drop it. My
arrow is sharply pointed. feathered and ready to fly after
you. No?
Om-Shoor :Shoot O! Saadoun! Shoot at your aim, you are the best
sniper in our neighbourhood.
(Saadoun shoots. A seed drops) God preserves you! God
does preserve you!
Saadoun :Have you got it?
Om-Shoor :Yes, swallows never obey you unless you force them into
it. (Om-Shoor and Saadoun pick up the seed. Om-Shoor
holds it up, gives a cry of joy) Lo! What is that?
It is smeared with blood.
Saadoun :Do not mind. Isn't it a blood of an obstinate Swallow?
And unless that wonderful arrow of mine, this seed
wouldn't have come to our hand.
Om-Shoor :Only real men can solve big problems.
Saadoun :(correctingly) Big problems could be only solved by
Courageous,daring and bold men.
Om-Shoor :Sure. What about the rest of seeds?
Saadoun :Can you guess where they are?
Om-Shoor :Undoubtedly, they are in the beaks of the rest of swallows.
Saadoun :(astonishingly) His brothers and sisters over your heads.
Om-Shoor :Of course.
Saadoun :(to the swallows hovering over) you belong to the same
kind. I know that, and here is the same Saadoun (Starts to
shoot a wave of arrows at them).
Om-Shoor :(encouragingly) Shoot O smart Saadoun! Shoot O
wonderful Saadoun! Shoot at the throat, shoot at the wing.
Shoot indiscriminately! (the seeds come down in
(Sad music. Saadoun and Om-Shoor sow the seeds. A
black-out, or a curtain or whatsoever)
Children :(discover a very huge water-melon which has sprouted out
of the seed)
Child I :Unbelievable!
Child II :How huge that water-melon is!
Child III :(runs to the door of Saadoun's house, knocks)
O! Saadoun!
Child I :O! Om-Shoor! (both Saadoun and Om-Shoor come out of
their house) .
Saadoun :What is wrong with all of you?
Om-Shoor :What are you shouting for?
Children :The seed produced a very huge water-melon.
Om-Shoor :It is none of your business, is it?
Saadoun :Fortune came to us. How dare you look at it? It's ours.
Om-Shoor :What bad wind has sent you, all of you here?
Child I :We just want to know what is inside?
Child II :(pointing at the water-melon)Yes. What mystery does it
have inside?
Saadoun :Off you go.
Om-Shoor :Yes, all of you.
Child I :We could help roll it with you.
Saadoun :We are not in need for your service.
Child II :We wish you good luck.
Om-Shoor :We are already lucky by this huge water-melon, aren't we?
Child III :We could still wish you even better luck.
Saadoun :No need for your favours. Off I said, Off you go. (The
children retreat. Om-Shoor and Saadoun head for the
water-melon, huge as it is, start to roll it. The children
Children :Hela leissa*. Hela leissa.
Saadoun :(runs after the children) No, shouts! No disturbance!
Om-Shoor :What are you waiting here for?
Saadoun :Let them wait in vain. (to the children) You will get
nothing of it.
Children :May it turn as white as radish. May it turn to be as insipid
as cucumber (exit)
Saadoun :(to Om-Shoor) They went away, didn't they?
Om-Shoor :Yes, they disappeared.
Saadoun :Let us roll our water-melon inside our house.
Om-Shoor :What a water-melon!
Saadoun :All our neighbours will envy us.
Om-Shoor :Let their envy eat their hearts up. Roll with me, my dear
Saadoun :And if they hit us with an evil-eye?
Om-Shoor :That will not reach our skin.
Saadoun :Stop here. Hurry up fetch me an axe.
Om-Shoor :(Brandishes an axe from under her garments) It is ready.
(gives the axe to him) Hold it on, take aim and storm it
Saadoun :Hold it on, take aim and hop (ugly and savage animals
unfamiliar to the children come out of the huge water-
melon) Horrible! O God Gracious! Hide me Om-Shoor.
(Saadoun and Om-Shoor take to flight in panic)
Children :(come to the stage out of all directions) What a pity!
(black out)
Saadoun :(Together with Om-Shoor in patched flimsy rags. They are
going around begging. They hung about outside the palace
of Nour and Saad) O benevolent people! A few alms prevent
many catastrophes.
Om-Shoor :For the sake of God, (together with Saadoun)Amen!
Saadoun :If you plant good, you won't harvest evil.
Om-Shoor :For the sake of God, Amen!
Saadoun :God may reward the alms-givers!
Om-Shoor :In their magnificent palaces!
Saadoun :God may reward the charity-givers!
Om-Shoor :For the sake of God, Amen!
Saadoun :A few alms could wash away many wrongdoings!
Om-Shoor :Raise up your voice a little bit, so that somebody may here
Saadoun :Who is going to hear us, after we turned a deaf ear to
Om-Shoor :We have to raise our voice here, outside that palace, as
long as nobody in the whole neighborhood wants to give us
even a small smile.
Saadoun :It was your own mistake.
Om-Shoor :My mistake or yours? Be fair man!
Saadoun :It was you and nobody else who persuaded and encouraged
me to shoot my nasty arrows at the little swallows.
Om-Shoor :You must have forgot that it was you.... and only you who
dashed inside our ill-fated house and came out with bow
and arrows.
Saadoun :Have you ever advised me not to shoot those little
Om-Shoor :And who dismissed all children around? Me or you?
Saadoun :I had to do that, so that they wouldn't share us our fortune.
Om-Shoor :That was hidden in our water-melon!
Saadoun :(ponderingly) It is my fault.
Om-Shoor :At last you came to your senses yes, it is your fault. confess
Saadoun :Here I am I confess: it is my own fault from the very
beginning that I married you!
Om-Shoor :Just remember that I married you after all maids refused
Saadoun :Stop shouting, you ungrateful annoying woman!
Om-Shoor :It is you who is provoking me ?
Saadoun :Now what is to be done?
Om-Shoor :We have not any glimpse of hope left.
(sighs) If you were intelligent enough, you should have
mastered some trade as all men do.
Saadoun :What about the trade you master? (mockingly) spinning
or weaving? We are a wonderful couple!
Om-Shoor :Failure does disperse.
Saadoun :I am fed-up with your wise sayings. Just repeat after me.
A few alms... (Some children enter on the left hand ,so that
only Saadoun could see them and this is why he falls silent)
Om-Shoor :What happened to you?
Children :O Saadoun who fools you into committing all those wrong
Om-Shoor :God help us! (to the children) You all came back? Why did
you? (The ugly savage animals with unfamiliar faces appear
on the right hand) And you also came back!
Saadoun :Oh! Where to go?
Om-Shoor :Do you have any other brother than he who lives in that
palace over there?
Saadoun :Should we knock on the door of his house?
Om-Shoor :Of his palace.... , you mean..
Saadoun :(nervously) should we knock or not?
Om-Shoor :What are you waiting for?
Saadoun :I do not know whether he is going to turn us away.
Om-Shoor :Have a go. He may open his door and...
Saadoun :And he could reshut it in our face.
Om-Shoor :Remember that we do not have now anything to lose.
Om-Shoor :Neither in hand nor in pocket.
Nour :(Just before Saadoun or Om-Shoor knock, the door opens
together with the windows.Saad&Nour come out)Most
welcome my sister-in- law.
Saad :Most welcome my beloved brother!
Nour :What happened to you?
Saadoun :Too terrible to remember, too horrible to tell. (starts to beg,
extends his hand as beggers do) A few alms could wash
away many wrongdoings!
Om-Shoor :For the sake of God,(together with Saadoun) Amen!
Saad :No! Never go begging brother. If you need seeds, take
whatever you want and grow your land at ease.
Nour :Whenever your crop ripens, give us back what you have
taken on whatever day you want.
Saadoun :Can not believe my ears.
Om-Shoor :I can not even believe my eyes.
Saad :Aren't we brothers and sisters?
Nour :Isn't all humanity but one big family of so many
Saadoun :Do you mean that you forgave us?
Saad :Sure brother, We forgave you.
Nour :Of course we forgot about it all. People should live, not for
themselves, but each one for the other. (sings)
He who gets reconciled to his brother.
Children :(repeat in chorus) To his brother.
Nour :Never goes astray all his life long.
Children :(in chorus) All his life long.
Saad :And he who falls out with his brother.
Children :(in chorus) with his brother.
Saad :Under full sun he won't find his way.
(Children, swallows and the ugly animals with unfamiliar
faces join in singing the song and dancing a wonderful
rhythmical dance.)

(An encouraging catch-word used by Egyptian fellaheen since immemorial times - In hieroglyphics its meaning could be "let's work" or more precisely yo-heave-ho!
* An encouraging catch-word used by Egyptian Fellaheen since immemorial times. "Let us carry on" could be its meaning in Hieroglyphics. B.K.